Monday, December 3, 2012

Picture of A Modified Raleigh Twenty Designe

Here we have a modified (Improved Design) this is more suited to the larger person, Longer Arms and Longer legs than a child. Not with excessive weight I would rate this as being suitable up to 100 kilo
After all it is still basically a child's bike, Now getting down to basics or modifications to the original Raleigh Twenty design:
Brakes originally had canter lever type which I personally never had any problem with, but a lot of people seem to find them inferior to V brakes.
Head Post steering changed to incorporate front suspension, and a longer raised handlebar
Top Tube lengthened for extra knee clearance from handlebar
this also gives more clearance from pedal to front wheel
Gears 3 speed improved to 6 speed with a derailleur changer  
This gives a basic Idea of the possibilities and Improvements that can be made.

The Raleigh Twenty Bicycle item1

Was one of the greatest bicycle designs ever developed, That is the H frame design whether they are fixed top tube or folding top tube, the U frame was a different thing all together but non the less it should rank in second place. Getting back to the Raleigh Twenty which are in great demand even today. The basic bicycle is or was a child's bicycle. So even though Adults still ride them (with usually quite a few modifications)
Some of the mods Include raising the seat on a longer seat post and also raising the handle bar to suit the Adult rider who most often has longer arms and longer legs.
TBC... In item 2

Testing Time

So he said to me ? How do you test time, My answer had to be subtle and not quite obvious that I didn't have a clue at this point in time.
Well I said to him by way of a reply, do you have the present time on your watch?
Yes he replied I do. And would you like me to tell you the time now.
Oh yes was my quick reply, I didn't want this opportunity to vanish.
Well it is exactly! Stop I shouted, Lets just assume that I have just tested time?